A Journey Through Business, Philosophy, and Personal Growth

These are the first words I’m writing on this new journey I’ve embarked on. For many years I’ve felt that I could contribute and write for others on the internet, but I’ve never found the right way to do it. I’ve tried creating all kinds of content on the internet, some more successfully, some less so – but I’ve never tried writing consistently, which is surprising given my love of books and the fact that I always thought I’d be a writer.

What to Expect: A Multi-Faceted Journey

I do well with words, and will try to summarize everything that I find important from now on. You may be wondering what kind of thing I’m going to write about and the short answer is: everything. Or everything that interests me as a human being, which tends to be a wide range of things.

Financial Investment and Personal Finance

I’ve had several phases in my life. I started with the financial investment phase, where I learned from basic to intermediate concepts on how to manage an investment portfolio. I also learned a thing or two about personal finance in the process, which has largely contributed to the peace of mind I feel today. These are topics that have always interested me and I want to address them in the future of these writings.

Stoic Philosophy and Life Management

I followed the path of philosophy, more specifically Stoicism, where I found great peace of mind and an excellent way of facing life’s challenges without being easily overwhelmed. I am grateful every day for the existence of Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, and Epictetus – my three great masters.

I’m pretty sure that Stoicism doesn’t cover everything we need to live, but I also know that it provides great guidance for the majority of people who know almost nothing about themselves or how to look at the world through a good lens. We’ll have more content on this as time goes on.

Exploring Artificial Intelligence and Technology

I’ve also recently begun my studies in the deep ocean of artificial intelligence, the technology that is likely to cause more and more changes in human society than ever before. Who can predict the impact on science, arts, and technology? No one. But I’m watching it all closely, waiting to see what the next chapters will be like. I think you’ll want to join me.

Self-Development and Personal Growth

Like many others, I’m a student of various topics of self-development, studying books and courses and trying out different approaches to develop myself further. That’s to be expected, given the fact that I like stoicism. But back to the subject, I intend to cover various topics here, more as a way of studying and cataloging my findings. I hope it’s as useful to you as it is to me.

Business: The Heart of Our Journey

Finally, I couldn’t have started this blog if it hadn’t been for my great passion for business. I’ve spent many years studying the subject, including a whole degree in it. Business is the beating heart of the economy and, as Naval Ravikant suggests, the next few decades could be marked by every person having their own business, providing services, and selling products to each other. If this happens, it will be something incredible to experience and witness.

I tend to say that business is the central theme of this blog, even if I cover a lot of other content, I’ll be here studying and thinking about ways and means of growing my own business more and more – and if all goes well, yours too.

About Your Guide

I realized at the end of this text that I forgot to introduce myself. You can call me Cicarelli or Cica if you prefer. I’m the one speaking to you. I hope we can grow more and more in our lives and businesses. If I can contribute 1% of your development, in any of the categories covered above, I’ll consider my work complete.

See ya. Enjoy the ride.

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